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    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-09-09 16:46


    We tend to belittle everything we already know: “since we know it, everyone should also know about this”.


    But there’s one thing I’d never give for granted, and it’s the power that software gives us.


    Not just the ability to write software: also simply having software we can use. No-code tools are so advanced you can do a whole lot of things with them, and they give the power of software to everyone that’s not a coder, but rather a prosumer.

    不仅仅具有编写软件的能力:还拥有我们可以使用的软件。 无代码工具是如此先进,您可以用它们来做很多事情,而且它们将软件的功能赋予了所有人,这些人不是编码人员,而是生产者。

    I’m a developer and I also rely on low-code or no-code tools. They give you the keys to automation, bringing this power to a much wider audience.

    我是一名开发人员,我也依赖于低代码或无代码工具。 它们为您提供了自动化的关键,将这种力量带给了更广泛的受众。

    Whenever I do something multiple times, I try to think about creating a system, so I do not have to repeat that task manually myself.


    I am a one-person business, and I can do so only because I have an army of little robots, running 24 hours a day 7 days a week, doing stuff for me. Don’t think they do complicated things.. they actually perform little tasks. But the little tasks that take energy and time on my end.

    我是一家单人企业,只能这样做是因为我有一群小型机器人,每周7天每天24小时不间断地为我做事。 不要以为他们做复杂的事情..他们实际上执行的是小任务。 但是,这些小任务却耗费了我的精力和时间。

    Since they do it for me, I can focus on the bigger picture.


    Thinking in systems is also one big ability linked to this: building a system of interconnected automations that work for you while you sleep, while you are on vacation, while you are out running.


    For thousands of years, people could only dream about this possibility. Instead, they had to employ people. Paid, or slaves. They had to build or buy expensive and fragile machines. Since a few years, not too many, we have access to an incredible set of tooling to bring this thousands-year-long dream to reality. We have incredibly powerful computers in our pockets and wrists.

    几千年来,人们只能梦想这种可能性。 相反,他们不得不雇用人。 有偿或奴隶。 他们不得不制造或购买昂贵而脆弱的机器。 几年来,不是很多,我们可以使用一套令人难以置信的工具,将这个长达数千年的梦想变为现实。 我们的口袋和手腕上都有功能强大的计算机。

    And we should 100% take advantage of this possibility.


    If you realize there’s this opportunity you’re already on the good track. This is not something you are born with. You can learn it. It takes time, and a lot of study.

    如果您意识到有这样的机会,那么您已经步入正轨。 这不是您与生俱来的东西。 您可以学习它。 这需要时间和大量的学习。

    I depend on various platforms to do so. I like my systems to be lean and small. Microservices, if you like. An event is triggered, information is sent to my automated service, and it does its job.

    我依靠各种平台来做到这一点。 我喜欢我的系统精简而小巧。 微服务,如果您愿意。 触发一个事件,信息被发送到我的自动化服务,并且它完成了它的工作。

    If the job fails, there aren’t a lot of things to look out for the cause of this failure. And my centralized logging platform tells me what happened, when and why.

    如果工作失败,那么没有很多事情可以寻找导致失败的原因。 我的集中式日志记录平台告诉我发生了什么,何时以及为什么。

    That’s the thing that allows me to be a solopreneur in the first place, in the digital space.


    翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/software-superpower/

