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    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-09-09 16:45


    Docker is one of the tools that revolutionized how we deploy applications and how we also distribute them.


    It’s also a technology in high demand and high consideration, loved by the vast majority of its users, and it’s a great skill to have in your curriculum.


    Using Docker we can create a container that will wrap an entire application.


    More than that: it can wrap entire applications, and it can be saved to an image to be easily replicated.


    Replication is the key term here. Using Docker we can create an isolated environment that runs in your computer, in your clients computers, on your server, anywhere, and it will use specific versions of the software we want it to run.

    复制是此处的关键术语。 使用Docker,我们可以创建一个隔离的环境,该环境可以在您的计算机,客户端计算机,服务器,任何地方运行,并且将使用我们希望其运行的特定版本的软件。

    This helps solve an entire class of problems that derive from misconfiguration and versions mismatching between different environments.


    Docker is complex, but I think it deals with many complex topics, in a relatively user friendly way.


    This is why “getting it” can remove a lot of complexity out of your life as a developer, both as a creator of software and as a consumer of software.


    No more “but it works on my machine”. You don’t need to say that any more, and you don’t need to be told so any more.

    不再需要“但是它可以在我的机器上运行”。 您不需要再说了,也不需要再被告知。

    We all know debugging is hard, and it’s super hard when something works on an all the environments you tested and it does not work in some weird configuration. There are simply too many moving parts.

    我们都知道调试是很困难的,并且当某种东西在您测试的所有环境中都可以工作并且在某些奇怪的配置中无法工作时,调试就变得非常困难。 只是有太多的运动部件。

    Docker is also great for distributing a software you create but you don’t want to deal with the countless support requests that come from people trying to install it on all the possible Web servers and setups.


    I know Discourse, the popular forum application, relies heavily on Docker. I can’t find the reference now but I’m pretty sure I read they only supported problems happening with installation running the official Docker image. I could be wrong here, but the idea does not sounds crazy: if you as a programmer can create an image that works anywhere you can deploy a docker container, then it’s something you as a user should definitely take advantage.

    我知道流行的论坛应用程序Discourse严重依赖Docker。 我现在找不到参考,但是我很确定我读过它们仅支持运行官方Docker映像进行安装时发生的问题。 我在这里可能是错的,但是这个想法听起来并不疯狂:如果您作为程序员可以创建可在任何地方部署的镜像,并且可以部署Docker容器,那么作为用户,您一定应该利用它。

    Another big benefit of Docker is being able to run multiple applications running different versions of the same stack, something that would be hard or at least confusing without a similar solution.


    In the next tutorials we will introduce several Docker concepts and we’ll explore how to work with:


    • Docker Images


    • Docker Containers


    • Dockerfiles

    • Running containerized applications

    • How to use volumes to store data outside of a container

    • How to publish your images

    • How to run containers in the Cloud


    and much more!


    翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/docker-introduction/

