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    Wefan的专栏:转贴:Friends 第一季英文学习整理:102

    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-08-29 19:27

    【102】The One With The Sonogram At The End
    No.2 The One With the Sonogram at the End
    上集说道Rach 和Ross 分别经历了感情镇痛,这一集开始,Ross 得知前妻Carol 有了身孕,被迫同Carol
    的同志伴侣Susan 一起,陪Carol 参加助产训练班。Ross 和Monica 的父母来吃饭,由于Monica 从小就在
    家里不如Ross 优秀,所以再次感到巨大压力,只好抖出Ross 和Carol的事情。Ross 和Rachel同病相怜,Rachel
    把戒指还给Barry, 结果发现,Barry 不仅没有寻死觅活,反而过的很开心,原来他已经和Rachel 的伴娘
    Mindy 好上了。这一集里面我选了十多个句子简单讲解下。
    1.Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 几个好朋友在一起聊性的话题,Monica 说男
    人不懂接吻的重要性,Joey 根本不屑一顾,于是Rachel 说了这样一句话,意思是:初吻可以让你明白一
    2.Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the
    stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Chandler 也发表了自己的观点,
    他说接吻很大程度上像是序幕(an opening act),像是你听Pink Floyd 的音乐会之前不得不忍受的笑星们
    的表演一样。Pink Floyd 是美国一支很著名的乐队。能听出Chandler 的潜台词吧?
    3.Marsha: Well, she has issues. Issues 在这里是烦恼、问题的意思,以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,
    你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues?
    4.Carol: Marty's still totally paranoid.Carol 去Museum 里找Ross,Ross 非常尴尬,于是没话找话问Carol
    的家人怎么看待她是Lesbian 的事儿,于是Carol 告诉他,马堤仍然神经兮兮的。Paranoid 这个单词是类似
    妄想狂的意思,有点histerical 的意思。
    5.Rachel: Oh, like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough, having to give it back to him... 'Hi Barry!
    Remember me? I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family!' Oh God
    and now I'm gonna have to return the ring, without the ring, which makes it so much harder...这里“stomp
    on one’s heart”stomp 是用脚踏的意思,可以想象用脚踏在心上是什么意思了吧,对,就是让人心碎的
    6.Chandler: Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?“kinda”在片中出现的次数非
    常频繁,也是口语中非常实用的词语,意思是有一点儿,相当于kind of.这句话的意思比较令人费解,结合
    场景,这里应该是Chandler 挖苦Monica 不该早些把枕头提前完全搞好。In perspective 这里是提前的意思。
    7.Monica: I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, but, were you planning on bringing up the
    whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me.Ross 和Monica 的父母
    来看望他们,由于从小父母就喜欢Ross(因为Ross 成绩优异,为人老实,而Monica 性格独立,而且那时
    候还很胖chubby),所以在吃饭的时候老是无意识的讽刺Monica,于是Monica 想让Ross 提提自己老婆是
    Lesbian 而且有了孩子的事儿转移注意力。Take some of the heat off sb,这里是帮Monica 减轻压力的意思。
    8.Mrs. Geller: Well, at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar..."at the altar"应该理解为“在
    婚礼上,在举行婚礼时”,altar 这里就可以理解为”教堂“,所以这句话的意思,我认为应该是:(虽然Rachel
    的父母为筹备婚礼花了不少钱,而Rachel 又逃婚),但是至少Rachel 还有机会在举行婚礼之际离开那个男
    人,(言下之意,Monica 到现在连个结婚还都没有)。
    9.Mr. Geller: Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with his museum, and his
    papers getting published. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- I'm telling you, these
    are the people who never get cancer. “shoot for”是争取、得到或完成的意思。老爸盖勒也似乎对女儿不
    10. Ross: Well, you may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'. Chances are he's gonna be this, this
    broken shell of a man, y'know, so you should try not to look too terrific, I know it'll be hard. Or, y'know, uh,
    hey!, I'll go down there, and I'll give Barry back his ring, and you can go with Carol and Susan to the
    OB/GYN... “wanna”=want to,口语中常这样子简化,类似得还有”gonna”,就是going to 得意思。Steer
    是驾驶掌舵的意思,“steer clear of the word”意思就是好好驾驭这个词的意思,暗示Rach 不要随便乱用
    11. Ross: How could I forget? 我觉得这句话应该熟记,这样你就可以咬牙切齿的对某个人,某件事说“how
    could I forget?”,我怎么能忘记呢?打死我也不会忘记的。可以想见Ross 当时的神态了吧,真有种欲杀
    Susan 而后快的感觉。
    12. Ross: 'S'funny, um, uh, we agreed we'd spend the rest of our lives together. Things change, roll with
    the punches. I believe Julia's on the table..?“roll with the punches”punch 除了打孔机的意思之外,还有
    打击的意思,这里应该是说,让这些打击减轻一些吧(Roll 就是滚的意思,那当然是减轻了)。“on the table”
    是“在桌面上,公开的”意思,Ross 认为如果他和Carol 的孩子是女儿的话,应该光明堂皇的叫做Julia。
    13.Chandler: I dunno, but.. I think it's about to attack the Enterprise. “dunno”是don’t know 的缩
    写,Chandler 和Joey 被逼着看sonogram 的录像带,可是看得一头雾水,Chandler 居然说似乎是胎儿要
    (但是现在就剩三艘了,1986 年“挑战者”爆炸)
    “告别过去,展望未来,银河系中最著名的星际飞船企业号将执行它的第一次任务。 系列剧《星际航行》
    (Star Trek)的第五个系列《企业号》将于周三晚首播,届时将有长达2 小时的UPN 试播节目。忠实的《星
    际航行》迷们可以会大吃一惊,以前4 部电视剧系列剧和9 部电影(马上就会成为10 部)中那些诚实、
    正义而又理智的星际舰队成员都不见了踪影。 为了吸引更多的观众,整个演员阵容几乎被重新组建。 这
    个新的系列剧的时间设定在未来150 年人类的星际航行刚刚起步时,要到此后100 年James T. Kirk 船长才
    CVN65 the Enterprise us navy aircraft carrier 美国海军的“企业”号才是历史原型哦...
    应该是STAR TREK 里面的企业号吧,他讽刺小孩长得难看啊
    美国有艘航空母舰叫The Enterprise。
    Star Trek 里前后共计7 艘The Enterprise,有:
    NCC-1701(TOS 里,Kirk 那代的船)
    NCC-1701A(TOS movie,The Search for Spock(III)里,Kirk 为了杀死Klingon 人把1701 炸了, Voyage
    Home(IV)最后StarFleet 把另一艘船改名为The Enterprise,编号NCC-1701A,The Final Frontier(V),The
    Undiscovered Country(VI)里也是这艘船)
    NCC-1701B(Generation(VII)开始,新飞船试航,Kirk 最为退休船长登上这艘船,最后死在船上(历史上是这
    NCC-1701C(TNG, episode 63 (3.15) Yesterday's Enterprise 里出现的20 年前的Enterprise)
    NCC-1701D(TNG 电视剧,Picard 那代的船,在电影Generation(VII)最后坠毁)
    NCC-1701E(TNG 电影,First Contact(VIII),Insurrection(IX),Nemesis(X)中的船,在Nemesis(X)遭到严重毁
    NX-01(Prequel 电视剧 Enterprise 中的Enterprise)
    美国有架航天飞机也叫The Enterprise,好像只是试飞用的,听说是因为Star Trek Fans 的强烈呼吁才起这
    至于Friends 中提到的,我记得原话是"I think it's about to attack the Enterprise",肯定是指Star Trek,
    Chan 觉得那个超声波图看起来像是Alien Vessel。
    1. Ross: Does she.
    Marsha: He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the
    mastodon smell out of the carpet!
    other women,而不是other men。茫然……
    这里该是Masha 和Ross 调侃的一段话,没有什么特殊含义,可是Ross 却非常较劲儿,居然真的和Masha
    讨论起来究竟那些Mannequin 所代表的原始人的烦恼起来,还说他们应该真正担心的是冰河世纪的到来......
    真不接风情,还好这时候Carol 来了,解了Masha 的围。
    2. Phoebe: She's already fluffed that pillow... Monica, you know, you've already fluffed that- (Monica
    glares at her.) -but, it's fine!
    Monica: Look , I'm sorry, guys, I just don't wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have.
    Q:ammunition 在这里指什么?
    A:ammunition 的本意是“军火、弹药”,这里Monica 给Phoebe 解释为什么她会这么在意枕头是否“松”,
    3.Phoebe: Monica- Hi! Um, Monica, you're scaring me. I mean, you're like, you're like all chaotic and twirly.
    And not-not in a good way.
    Q:chaotic and twirly 是表示举止反常的意思吧。
    A:Phoe 对正在弄枕头的mon 说的“chaotic and twirly”其实是老美要来形容人“慌慌张张的……”的意思。
    (chaotic 混乱的 、twirly 团团转的)
    4.Chandler: Ugly Naked Guy got a Thighmaster!
    Q:Thighmaster 是什么?这句话什么意思?
    A:Chandler 突然发现他们六个人一直关心的裸男竟然买了一个健腿器,所以很惊讶的说了这句话。那个裸
    Thigh Master
    5.ob/gyn 的正确意思 Main Entry: OB-GYN
    Function: abbreviation:obstetrician gynecologist, obstetrics gynecology
    6.chandler 说monica:You don't get a lot of 'doy' these days
    这是什么意思啊?'doy 指什么?
    first people used to say "duh" which is a sound that indicated stupidity, but for a little while, it turned into
    "doy" which has the same meaning. it just SOUNDS stupid.
    7.the "comedian" argument
    Chandler: The problem is, though, after the concert's over, no matter how great the show was, you girls
    are always looking for the comedian again, y'know? I mean, we're in the car, we're fighting traffic...
    basically just trying to stay awake.
    Rachel: Yeah, well, word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find
    yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone.
    1.chan 用类比,show 对应sex,comedian 对应first kiss,
    fighting traffic 我想是指男人面对女人总要找 more feelings of first kiss than sex,
    basically just trying to stay awake 我想是指男人通常就会搞得很没心情
    rach 用comedian 对应first kiss,listening to that album 对应sex
    2.我想这是chandler 的Joke Package 的一部分吧.
    Just imagine this:
    When the show is over, the man drives his girlfriend home. On the way home, while the man is fighting
    with the heavy traffic, the woman is nagging crazily about the whole comedian thing like forever. The man
    doesn't see why his girl is so attacted to the geek comedian, and he is totally freaked out and feels like
    being tortured by her girlfriend. Like Chandler stated later in 50*, he can't screw up their relationship by
    telling the truth, like yelling at his girl "Would you just stop nagging, Mom(Mon), Gees. " He can do
    nothing but try to stay awake or learn how to sleep with his eyes open, otherwise he's gonna be in a very
    dangerous situation with his girl.
    The same thing could probably happen after the 2 lovers made out. It seems like a rule for guys in Friends
    to discuss all the stuff related to "it" after making love , which is especially obvious in 301TOW the Leia. In
    that eppy, Rachel sold Ross out by revealing his little sexual fantacy to Phoebe.
    So, I guess the by saying "in a car or fighting traffic" things, chandler indicates 2 lovers chat or
    "discuss"about sex, just like people like to talk about a show right after it is over. Unfortunately lovers have
    pretty good chances to be at odds with each other on this kind of occasion .
    3.here, "comedian" means "kiss"(not "first kiss", rachel says "everything you need to know is in the first
    kiss", just because she think that "from the first kiss you can read his/her real feeling about you, so first
    kiss is important"), "concert" means "sex". When having sex, girls like something gentle and romantic like
    kiss, like move fingers on lovers' body(the stand-up comedian), while what boys really want is(mostly)
    just in-and-out, the physical excitement and the climax(that's Pink Floyd's live show, that's why we bought
    the ticket, hahahaha....). And after the sex, girls tends to hug and kiss and keep on enjoying the
    romance(looking for the comedian again), but boys..... u know, satisified and exhausted(we r in the car,
    we r fighting traffic), we always prefer falling in sleep. But not to piss off our sweetheart, boys have to hug
    back and kiss back and tell her 'I love you'......basically just trying to stay awake.
    Well, Rachel's answer is really funny, each time i just can't help laughing, hahahaha..... She says "word of
    advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening
    to that album alone", that is, "You better kiss her after the sex, Otherwise next time nobody wants to have
    sex with you except yourself (you can only satisfy yourself by wank)"
    确实是很Blue,不过我觉得Friends 最吸引人的地方之一就是以一种很随意戏谑的态度讨论性的问题,很
    1、issues 大部分的时候都可以解释为“问题”,但在不同的语境里面翻译会有少许的不同,在这里可以理
    2、“He's out ”在这里表状态,表示“他在外面……”,后面“banging other women over the head with a
    这里CLUB 不是一般俱乐部的意思,这里的CLUB 是打击的意思
    3、speaking of issues 直译为“谈到问题,……”就可以了,这是马莎要引起下一句所用的一个小转折而
    4、I gave you one job“我只给了你一件事干!!”潜台词是“你却把它搞砸了!”
    5、Do that for another two hours, you might be where I am right about now.“你(的表情)再保持这样
    6、Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon“这样的话,枕头的事就可先放在一旁?是
    不是,mon?” CHAN 式的幽默,用来讽刺MON 太紧张房间是否整洁的玩笑。
    7、fit into 有适应、协调的意思,这句翻译为“你打算怎么处理(面对)整件事?”
    8、up to me!——由我决定!
    9、sonogram 指“B 超图”的意思。
    10.Monica: I hate men! I hate men!
    Phoebe: Oh no, don't hate, you don't want to put that out into the universe.
    pheobe is new age, so she's really aware of the universe and how things relate to it. and she just means
    that you don't want to put hatred out into the world. and she was being a little over-dramatic about it.
    11.Chances are he's gonna be this,this broken shell of a man."“现在他可能痛不欲生”
    12.stomped on your heart 是把你的心踩碎了
    13.shoot for stars 是比喻,像星星发射市发射的很远,就是目标很高,大体是这样
    14.pro 是专业的, =professional. Mathew plays tennis like a pro. mathew 打网球很专业(像一个专业的网球
    15.maid of honor 伴娘, best man 伴郎
    16.borders on 就是快要根什么什么联系起来了,就是说快变成什么了.Carol 说,那几乎是虐待儿童了
    17.cheap shot
    shot 是指她尝试做的那件事情, 比如give it a shot 就是give it a try 那种做法有点贱, 贱就是便宜, 便宜就
    是 cheap
    18."you've got me! 你难到我了".
    19.Phigh-powered,driven career type 指那种热衷于工作的人;
    20.on the table 这里指在讨论的范围之内,这里他们讨论的是Baby 的name,Ross 觉得Julia 不错
    21.I,m an orthodontist 就是做牙齿矫形、正畸的医生
    22.roll with the punches 世事难料,兵来将挡
    23.plugs 植发;They haven't quite taken yet。还没牢固呢;lenses 隐形眼睛
    24.Ross:“Well, y'know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they
    get the job done.”
    ross 意思是无论发生什么事,他父母最后都能把问题绕到monica 身上
    25.Greenstein's gagging. Greenstein 在作呕
    26.Helen Willick-Bunch-Geller Cause I think that borders on child abuse.
    27.gets his way 是说Ross 的"如意算盘"可以实现了
    28.I was just wondering about the mother-to-be, but.. thanks for sharing.
    医生问准妈妈有没有恶心,Ross 和那个lesbian 女人也说恶心(其实是由于刚才取名争执引起的不愉快),
    医生不明白发生了什么,所以说thanks for sharing(与准妈妈一样的恶心的症状)
    29.you're welling up.
    if feelings well up inside you, they become very strong:A sense of hurt and outrage welled up inside him.