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    depx7366的博客:清华大学 现代软件工程 学生特别想学的领域

    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-09-06 13:26

    讲了两节课, 大家对我们要讲什么内容有所了解。? 在课堂的匿名调查中, 我要求学生们选自己最想学的 5 个领域。



    ?pick top 5 areas you want to learn and put a check-mark in this column
    Programming Language (C/C++/C#, data structure and algorithm)?4
    Software Design (architecture design)16
    Web Development/Asp.net/PHP/WPF/etc (choose one)16
    UI/Usability?? (design for customer)11
    Software Tools(compiler, linker, version control, management)?14
    Software Life Cycle: Overall6
    Software Life Cycle: Requirement Analysis4
    Software Life Cycle: Project Management8
    Software Life Cycle: Design14
    Software Life Cycle: Implementation5
    Software Life Cycle: Test (methods and tools)6
    XP (pair programming, TDD, SCRUM)4
    Code Review / Writing Solid Code?9
    Estimation (estimate how much work it is)5
    Task Prioritization and plan (decide what is important,? and when to do them)7
    Task Execution (get things done)3
    Work with others (convince other people, influence other people, deliver your message)6
    Presentation? (report your status, ideas to public)7