当前位置 博文首页 > wanggao的专栏:使用ffmpeg以v4l2输入打开相机进行h264编码


    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-09-09 09:45




    • 树莓派相机开启配置,参看博客 【树莓派CSI相机使用】
    • ffmpeg的libavdevice关于摄像头、屏幕的录制介绍,参见博客【ffmpeg学习 库libavdevice使用(摄像头、屏幕)】
    • ffmpeg的AVdevice库使用的代码示例,参见博客【ffmpeg学习(16)AVDevice使用】
    • ffmpeg打开输入、编解码器的选项配置,参见博客【ffmpeg学习 AVUtil库常见例子(AVLog、AVOption等)】



    int avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **ps, 
    						const char *url,       // 打开的地址,文件或设备等
    						AVInputFormat *fmt,    // 指定输入格式,若为空则自动检测
    						AVDictionary **options); // 指定demuxer的private options


    AVFormatContext *input_fmt_ctx = NULL;
    const char* file_path = "test.mp4";
    //const char* file_path = "rtmp://";  // 亦可
    avformat_open_input(&input_fmt_ctx, file_path, NULL, NULL);


    1.1、直接更换 file_path

    直观的想法,直接更换 file_path 为 /dev/video0,得到输出结果

    Input #0, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video0':
      Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
        Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (I420 / 0x30323449), yuv420p, 1280x720, 331776 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 1000k tbn


    1.2、设置参数demux的private options选项

    使用ffmpeg -hide_banner -h demuxer=v4l2查看v4l2 demuxer的选项如下。

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ffmpeg -hide_banner -h demuxer=v4l2
    Demuxer video4linux2,v4l2 [Video4Linux2 device grab]:
    V4L2 indev AVOptions:
      -standard          <string>     .D....... set TV standard, used only by analog frame grabber
      -channel           <int>        .D....... set TV channel, used only by frame grabber (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -video_size        <image_size> .D....... set frame size
      -pixel_format      <string>     .D....... set preferred pixel format
      -input_format      <string>     .D....... set preferred pixel format (for raw video) or codec name
      -framerate         <string>     .D....... set frame rate
      -list_formats      <int>        .D....... list available formats and exit (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
         all                          .D....... show all available formats
         raw                          .D....... show only non-compressed formats
         compressed                   .D....... show only compressed formats
      -list_standards    <int>        .D....... list supported standards and exit (from 0 to 1) (default 0)
         all                          .D....... show all supported standards
      -timestamps        <int>        .D....... set type of timestamps for grabbed frames (from 0 to 2) (default default)
         default                      .D....... use timestamps from the kernel
         abs                          .D....... use absolute timestamps (wall clock)
         mono2abs                     .D....... force conversion from monotonic to absolute timestamps
      -ts                <int>        .D....... set type of timestamps for grabbed frames (from 0 to 2) (default default)
         default                      .D....... use timestamps from the kernel
         abs                          .D....... use absolute timestamps (wall clock)
         mono2abs                     .D....... force conversion from monotonic to absolute timestamps
      -use_libv4l2       <boolean>    .D....... use libv4l2 (v4l-utils) conversion functions (default false)

    使用命令ffmpeg -hide_banner -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0查看当前相机设备支持输出编码格式

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ffmpeg -hide_banner -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :     yuv420p :     Planar YUV 4:2:0 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :     yuyv422 :           YUYV 4:2:2 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :       rgb24 :     24-bit RGB 8-8-8 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Compressed:       mjpeg :            JFIF JPEG : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Compressed:        h264 :                H.264 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Compressed:       mjpeg :          Motion-JPEG : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       : Unsupported :           YVYU 4:2:2 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       : Unsupported :           VYUY 4:2:2 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :     uyvy422 :           UYVY 4:2:2 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :        nv12 :         Y/CbCr 4:2:0 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :       bgr24 :     24-bit BGR 8-8-8 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :     yuv420p :     Planar YVU 4:2:0 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       : Unsupported :         Y/CrCb 4:2:0 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}
    [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x11ef1c0] Raw       :        bgr0 : 32-bit BGRA/X 8-8-8-8 : {32-3280, 2}x{32-2464, 2}



    如果后续应用使用的分辨率和帧率不是默认值,还需进行额外的处理。因此这里我们直接设置参数,简化后续流程。使用选项video_sizeframerate 例如,设置分辨率 1024*768,帧率15。代码如下:

      int ret;
      const char* input_file = "/dev/video0";
      AVDictionary *options = NULL;
      //av_dict_set(&options, "f", "v4l2", 0);  // 加快探测流的速度,
      //av_dict_set(&options, "input_format", "yuv420p", 0); // 指定格式
      av_dict_set(&options, "video_size", "1024*768", 0);
      av_dict_set(&options, "framerate", "15", 0);
      // 指定打开输入的demux参数
      if ((ret = avformat_open_input(&s_raspiEncCtx.input_fmt_ctx, input_file, NULL, &options)) < 0) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open input file\n");
        return ret;


    Input #0, video4linux2,v4l2, from '/dev/video0':
      Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
        Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (I420 / 0x30323449), yuv420p, 1024x768, 141557 kb/s, 15 fps, 15 tbr, 1000k tbn

    另外,使用 选项av_dict_set(&options, "f", "v4l2", 0);和 指定参数ifmt效果相同。通常linux可以不用设置,默认是支持v4l2且自动识别,而在windows下vfwp、dshow需要明确指定。

    AVInputFormat *ifmt = av_find_input_format("v4l2");   // 加快探测流的速度,
    avformat_open_input(&s_raspiEncCtx.input_fmt_ctx, input_file, ifmt, NULL);


    AVDictionary *options = NULL;
    av_dict_set(&options, "f", "v4l2", 0);  
    avformat_open_input(&s_raspiEncCtx.input_fmt_ctx, input_file, NULL, &options);



    -pixel_format  <string>  .D....... set preferred pixel format
    -input_format  <string>  .D....... set preferred pixel format (for raw video) or codec name
    • 当选择像素格式时,那么一定是非压缩的原始数据,两个参数均可
    	av_dict_set(&options, "pixel_format", "rgb24", 0);
    	av_dict_set(&options, "input_format", "rgb24", 0);  // 同上
    • 当选择压缩编码格式,必须只能使用input_format
    	av_dict_set(&options, "input_format", "h264", 0);
    	av_dict_set(&options, "input_format", "mjpeg", 0);



    不同编解码器支持的选项不同。例如,先给出libx264支持的选项。使用命令行ffmpeg -hide_banner -h encoder=libx264如下,也可以在 libavcodec\libx264.c文件中查看。

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ffmpeg -hide_banner -h encoder=libx264
    Encoder libx264 [libx264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10]:
        General capabilities: delay threads 
        Threading capabilities: auto
        Supported pixel formats: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20le
    libx264 AVOptions:
      -preset            <string>     E..V..... Set the encoding preset (cf. x264 --fullhelp) (default "medium")
      -tune              <string>     E..V..... Tune the encoding params (cf. x264 --fullhelp)
      -profile           <string>     E..V..... Set profile restrictions (cf. x264 --fullhelp) 
      -fastfirstpass     <boolean>    E..V..... Use fast settings when encoding first pass (default true)
      -level             <string>     E..V..... Specify level (as defined by Annex A)
      -passlogfile       <string>     E..V..... Filename for 2 pass stats
      -wpredp            <string>     E..V..... Weighted prediction for P-frames
      -a53cc             <boolean>    E..V..... Use A53 Closed Captions (if available) (default true)
      -x264opts          <string>     E..V..... x264 options
      -crf               <float>      E..V..... Select the quality for constant quality mode (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1)
      -crf_max           <float>      E..V..... In CRF mode, prevents VBV from lowering quality beyond this point. (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1)
      -qp                <int>        E..V..... Constant quantization parameter rate control method (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -aq-mode           <int>        E..V..... AQ method (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
         none                         E..V.....
         variance                     E..V..... Variance AQ (complexity mask)
         autovariance                 E..V..... Auto-variance AQ
         autovariance-biased              E..V..... Auto-variance AQ with bias to dark scenes
      -aq-strength       <float>      E..V..... AQ strength. Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and textured areas. (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1)
      -psy               <boolean>    E..V..... Use psychovisual optimizations. (default auto)
      -psy-rd            <string>     E..V..... Strength of psychovisual optimization, in <psy-rd>:<psy-trellis> format.
      -rc-lookahead      <int>        E..V..... Number of frames to look ahead for frametype and ratecontrol (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -weightb           <boolean>    E..V..... Weighted prediction for B-frames. (default auto)
      -weightp           <int>        E..V..... Weighted prediction analysis method. (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
         none                         E..V.....
         simple                       E..V.....
         smart                        E..V.....
      -ssim              <boolean>    E..V..... Calculate and print SSIM stats. (default auto)
      -intra-refresh     <boolean>    E..V..... Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames. (default auto)
      -bluray-compat     <boolean>    E..V..... Bluray compatibility workarounds. (default auto)
      -b-bias            <int>        E..V..... Influences how often B-frames are used (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default INT_MIN)
      -b-pyramid         <int>        E..V..... Keep some B-frames as references. (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
         none                         E..V.....
         strict                       E..V..... Strictly hierarchical pyramid
         normal                       E..V..... Non-strict (not Blu-ray compatible)
      -mixed-refs        <boolean>    E..V..... One reference per partition, as opposed to one reference per macroblock (default auto)
      -8x8dct            <boolean>    E..V..... High profile 8x8 transform. (default auto)
      -fast-pskip        <boolean>    E..V..... (default auto)
      -aud               <boolean>    E..V..... Use access unit delimiters. (default auto)
      -mbtree            <boolean>    E..V..... Use macroblock tree ratecontrol. (default auto)
      -deblock           <string>     E..V..... Loop filter parameters, in <alpha:beta> form.
      -cplxblur          <float>      E..V..... Reduce fluctuations in QP (before curve compression) (from -1 to FLT_MAX) (default -1)
      -partitions        <string>     E..V..... A comma-separated list of partitions to consider. Possible values: p8x8, p4x4, b8x8, i8x8, i4x4, none, all
      -direct-pred       <int>        E..V..... Direct MV prediction mode (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
         none                         E..V.....
         spatial                      E..V.....
         temporal                     E..V.....
         auto                         E..V.....
      -slice-max-size    <int>        E..V..... Limit the size of each slice in bytes (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -stats             <string>     E..V..... Filename for 2 pass stats
      -nal-hrd           <int>        E..V..... Signal HRD information (requires vbv-bufsize; cbr not allowed in .mp4) (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
         none                         E..V.....
         vbr                          E..V.....
         cbr                          E..V.....
      -avcintra-class    <int>        E..V..... AVC-Intra class 50/100/200 (from -1 to 200) (default -1)
      -me_method         <int>        E..V..... Set motion estimation method (from -1 to 4) (default -1)
         dia                          E..V.....
         hex                          E..V.....
         umh                          E..V.....
         esa                          E..V.....
         tesa                         E..V.....
      -motion-est        <int>        E..V..... Set motion estimation method (from -1 to 4) (default -1)
         dia                          E..V.....
         hex                          E..V.....
         umh                          E..V.....
         esa                          E..V.....
         tesa                         E..V.....
      -forced-idr        <boolean>    E..V..... If forcing keyframes, force them as IDR frames. (default false)
      -coder             <int>        E..V..... Coder type (from -1 to 1) (default default)
         default                      E..V.....
         cavlc                        E..V.....
         cabac                        E..V.....
         vlc                          E..V.....
         ac                           E..V.....
      -b_strategy        <int>        E..V..... Strategy to choose between I/P/B-frames (from -1 to 2) (default -1)
      -chromaoffset      <int>        E..V..... QP difference between chroma and luma (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -sc_threshold      <int>        E..V..... Scene change threshold (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -noise_reduction   <int>        E..V..... Noise reduction (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)
      -x264-params       <string>     E..V..... Override the x264 configuration using a :-separated list of key=value parameters


    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ffmpeg -hide_banner -h encoder=h264_omx
    Encoder h264_omx [OpenMAX IL H.264 video encoder]:
        General capabilities: delay 
        Threading capabilities: none
        Supported pixel formats: yuv420p
    h264_omx AVOptions:
      -omx_libname       <string>     ED.V..... OpenMAX library name
      -omx_libprefix     <string>     ED.V..... OpenMAX library prefix
      -zerocopy          <int>        E..V..... Try to avoid copying input frames if possible (from 0 to 1) (default 0)
      -profile           <int>        E..V..... Set the encoding profile (from -99 to 100) (default -99)
         baseline                     E..V..... 
         main                         E..V..... 
         high                         E..V..... 


    AVCodec *enc = avcodec_find_encoder_by_name("h264_omx");
    enc_ctx = avcodec_alloc_context3(enc);
    enc_ctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
    enc_ctx->width = w;
    enc_ctx->height = h;
    // enc_ctx->framerate = {fps,1};
    // enc_ctx->time_base = {1,fps};
    enc_ctx->framerate.num = fps;
    enc_ctx->framerate.den = 1;
    enc_ctx->time_base.num = 1;
    enc_ctx->time_base.den = fps;
    enc_ctx->gop_size = fps;
    enc_ctx->bit_rate = bitrate; 
    avcodec_open2(enc_ctx, enc, NULL);


    enc_ctx->profile = FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH; // 设置profile
    avcodec_open2(enc_ctx, enc, NULL);


    av_opt_set(enc_ctx->priv_data,"profile","high", 0);
    avcodec_open2(enc_ctx, enc, NULL);


    AVDictionary *dict = NULL;
    av_dict_set(&dict, "profile", "high", 0);
    //av_dict_set_int(&dict, "profile", FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH, 0); // 同上
    avcodec_open2(enc_ctx, enc, &dict);

    当前硬编码的视频流编码I帧前进第一帧是有SPS\PPS,做额外的处理。参见博客【ffmpeg学习 编码为h264裸流添加sps、pps】。
