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    Flex4 使用itemRenderer 为Tree加线具体实现

    作者:admin 时间:2021-08-31 18:52

    复制代码 代码如下:

    package Modules
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Graphics;

    import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
    import mx.collections.IList;
    import mx.controls.Tree;
    import mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor;
    import mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer;

    * Alpha value for the Tree lines.
    * @default 1
    [Style(name="lineAlpha", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")]

    * Color of the Tree lines.
    * @default 0x808080
    [Style(name="lineColor", type="uint", format="Color", inherit="no")]

    * Thickness value for the Tree lines.
    * @default 1
    [Style(name="lineThickness", type="Number", format="Length", inherit="no")]

    * The Tree line style - none, dotted (default), or solid.
    * @default "dotted"
    [Style(name="lineStyle", type="String", enumeration="solid", inherit="no")]

    * Extends TreeItemRenderer to draw the dotted lines of the tree.
    * It supports 3 line styles - dotted (default), solid, or none.
    * And the tree line color, alpha, and thickness values are configurable styles too.
    * <pre>
    * <ui:TreeItemLinesRenderer
    * <b>Styles</b>
    * lineAlpha="1"
    * lineColor="#808080"
    * lineThickness="1"
    * lineStyle="dotted"
    * >
    * ...
    * <i>child tags</i>
    * ...
    * </ui:TreeItemLinesRenderer>
    * </pre>
    * @author Chris Callendar
    * @date April 20th, 2009
    public class TreeItemLinesRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer

    public static const DOTTED:String = "dotted"; // default
    public static const SOLID:String = "solid";
    public static const NONE:String = "none";

    public function TreeItemLinesRenderer() {

    override public function set data(value:Object):void {
    super.data = value;

    override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void {
    super.updateDisplayList(w, h);

    if ((w > 0) && (h > 0)) {
    // go up the hierarchy, drawing the vertical dotted lines for each node
    var tree:Tree = (owner as Tree);
    var desc:ITreeDataDescriptor = tree.dataDescriptor;
    var currentNode:Object = data;
    var parentNode:Object = tree.getParentItem(currentNode);
    // the level is zero at this node, then increases as we go up the tree
    var levelsUp:int = 0;

    var lineStyle:String = getStyle("solid");
    var lineColor:uint = getColorStyle("lineColor", 0x808080);
    var lineAlpha:Number = getNumberStyle("lineAlpha", 1);
    var lineThickness:Number = getNumberStyle("lineThickness", 1);
    var indentation:Number = tree.getStyle("indentation");

    // move the icon and label over to make room for the lines (less for root nodes)
    var shift:int = (parentNode == null ? 2 : 6) + lineThickness;
    if (icon) {
    icon.move(icon.x + shift, icon.y);
    if (label) {
    label.move(label.x + shift, label.y);

    var g:Graphics = graphics;

    if ((lineStyle != NONE) && (lineAlpha > 0) && (lineThickness > 0)) {
    while (parentNode != null) {
    var children:ICollectionView = desc.getChildren(parentNode);
    if (children is IList) {
    var itemIndex:int = (children as IList).getItemIndex(currentNode);
    // if this node is the last child of the parent
    var isLast:Boolean = (itemIndex == (children.length - 1));
    drawLines(g, w, h, lineStyle, lineColor, lineAlpha, lineThickness, isLast, levelsUp, indentation);

    // go up to the parent, increasing the level
    currentNode = parentNode;
    parentNode = tree.getParentItem(parentNode);
    } else {

    protected function drawLines(g:Graphics, w:Number, h:Number, lineStyle:String, lineColor:uint,
    lineAlpha:Number, lineThickness:Number, isLastItem:Boolean, levelsUp:int, indentation:Number):void {
    var midY:Number = Math.round(h / 2);
    var lineX:Number = 0;
    if (disclosureIcon) {
    lineX = disclosureIcon.x + (disclosureIcon.width / 2);
    } else if (icon) {
    lineX = icon.x - 8;
    } else if (label) {
    lineX = label.x - 8;
    lineX = Math.floor(lineX) - int(lineThickness / 2);
    // adjust the x position based on the indentation
    if (levelsUp > 0) {
    if (!isNaN(indentation) && (indentation > 0)) {
    lineX = lineX - (levelsUp * indentation);
    } else {
    // Invalid indentation style value
    var lineY:Number = h;
    // stop the dotted line halfway on the last item
    if (isLastItem) {
    lineY = midY;
    // no lines need to be drawn for parents of the last item
    if (levelsUp > 0) {

    g.lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
    if (lineStyle == SOLID) {
    g.beginFill(lineColor, lineAlpha);
    } else {
    var verticalDottedLine:BitmapData = createDottedLine(lineColor, lineAlpha, lineThickness, true);

    // draw the vertical line
    g.drawRect(lineX, 0, lineThickness, lineY);
    // end the fill and start it again otherwise the lines overlap and it create white squares

    // draw the horizontal line - only needed on this node (not on any parents)
    if (levelsUp == 0) {
    var startX:int = lineX + 1 + int(lineThickness / 2);
    var endX:int = startX + 11; // 5 dots
    if (isLastItem) {
    startX = lineX;
    var startY:Number = midY - int(lineThickness / 2);
    if (lineStyle == SOLID) {
    g.beginFill(lineColor, lineAlpha);
    } else {
    var horizontalDottedLine:BitmapData = createDottedLine(lineColor, lineAlpha, lineThickness, false);
    g.drawRect(startX, startY, endX - startX, lineThickness);


    * Creates a BitmapData that is used to renderer a dotted line.
    * If the vertical parameter is true, then it creates a rectangle bitmap that is
    * twice as long as it is wide (lineThickness). Otherwise it creates a rectangle
    * that is twice as wide as it is long.
    * The first half of the rectangle is filled with the line color (and alpha value),
    * then second half is transparent.
    private function createDottedLine(lineColor:uint, lineAlpha:Number, lineThickness:Number,
    vertical:Boolean = true):BitmapData {
    var w:Number = (vertical ? lineThickness : 2 * lineThickness);
    var h:Number = (vertical ? 2 * lineThickness : lineThickness);
    var color32:uint = combineColorAndAlpha(lineColor, lineAlpha);
    var dottedLine:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w, h, true, 0x00ffffff);
    // create a dotted bitmap
    for (var i:int = 0; i < lineThickness; i++) {
    for (var j:int = 0; j < lineThickness; j++) {
    dottedLine.setPixel32(i, j, color32);
    return dottedLine;

    * Combines the color value and the alpha value into a 32 bit uint like #AARRGGBB.
    private function combineColorAndAlpha(color:uint, alpha:Number):uint {
    // make sure the alpha is a valid number [0-1]
    if (isNaN(alpha)) {
    alpha = 1;
    } else {
    alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, alpha));

    // convert the [0-1] alpha value into [0-255]
    var alphaColor:Number = alpha * 255;
    // bitshift it to come before the color
    alphaColor = alphaColor << 24;
    // combine the two values: #AARRGGBB
    var combined:uint = alphaColor | color;
    return combined;

    private function getColorStyle(propName:String, defaultValue:uint):uint {
    var color:uint = defaultValue;
    if (propName != null) {
    var n:Number = getStyle(propName);
    if (!isNaN(n)) {
    color = uint(n);
    return color;

    private function getNumberStyle(propName:String, defaultValue:Number):Number {
    var number:Number = defaultValue;
    if (propName != null) {
    var n:Number = getStyle(propName);
    if (!isNaN(n)) {
    number = n;
    return number;
