当前位置 博文首页 > 如何判断电子邮件的地址格式是否正确?


    作者:admin 时间:2021-08-29 18:57



    Function IsValidEmail(Email)

    ValidFlag = False

    If (Email <> "") And (InStr(1, Email, "@") > 0) And (InStr(1, Email, ".") > 0) Then

    atCount = 0

    SpecialFlag = False

    For atLoop = 1 To Len(Email)

    atChr = Mid(Email, atLoop, 1)

    If atChr = "@" Then atCount = atCount + 1

    If (atChr >= Chr(32)) And (atChr <= Chr(44)) Then SpecialFlag = True

    If (atChr = Chr(47)) Or (atChr = Chr(96)) Or (atChr >= Chr(123)) Then SpecialFlag = True

    If (atChr >= Chr(58)) And (atChr <= Chr(63)) Then SpecialFlag = True

    If (atChr >= Chr(91)) And (atChr <= Chr(94)) Then SpecialFlag = True


    If (atCount = 1) And (SpecialFlag = False) Then

    BadFlag = False

    tAry1 = Split(Email, "@")

    UserName = tAry1(0)

    DomainName = tAry1(1)

    If (UserName = "") Or (DomainName = "") Then BadFlag = True

    If Mid(DomainName, 1, 1) = "." then BadFlag = True

    If Mid(DomainName, Len(DomainName), 1) = "." then BadFlag = True

    ValidFlag = True

    ' 格式正确返回Ture

    End If

    End If

    If BadFlag = True Then ValidFlag = False

    ' 格式不正确返回False

    IsValidEmail = ValidFlag

    End Function




    function IsValidEmail(email)

    dim names, name, i, c

    IsValidEmail = true
    names = Split(email, "@")
    if UBound(names) <> 1 then
      IsValidEmail = false
      exit function
    end if
    for each name in names
      if Len(name) <= 0 then
        IsValidEmail = false
        exit function
      end if
      for i = 1 to Len(name)
        c = Lcase(Mid(name, i, 1))
        if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.", c) <= 0 and not
    IsNumeric(c) then
          IsValidEmail = false
          exit function
        end if
      if Left(name, 1) = "." or Right(name, 1) = "." then
          IsValidEmail = false
          exit function
      end if
    if InStr(names(1), ".") <= 0 then
      IsValidEmail = false
      exit function
    end if
    i = Len(names(1)) - InStrRev(names(1), ".")
    if i <> 2 and i <> 3 then
      IsValidEmail = false
      exit function
    end if
    if InStr(email, "..") > 0 then
      IsValidEmail = false
    end if

    end function


    function isEmail(pInString)

      lAt = False
      lDot = false

      for x = 2 to len(pInstring)-1
        if mid(pInString,x,1) = "@" then lAt = True
          if mid(pInString,x,1) = "." and lAt = True then lDot = True

      if lAt = True and lDot = True then
        isEmail = True
        isEmail = False
      end if
    end function


