当前位置 博文首页 > $firecat全宏的代码足迹$:一个进程(Process)最多可以生成多少个


    作者:[db:作者] 时间:2021-07-28 17:52







    [cpp]?view plaincopy

    1. #include?"stdafx.h"??
    2. #include?<windows.h>??
    3. #include?<process.h>??
    4. #include?<assert.h>??
    5. ??
    6. volatile?bool?gbExitThread?=?false;??
    7. HANDLE?ghDataEvent?=?CreateEvent(NULL,?FALSE,?FALSE,?NULL);??
    8. ??
    9. UINT?WINAPI?SubThread(void*?ptr)??
    10. {??
    11. ????int?nThreadID?=?*((int*)ptr);??
    12. ????nThreadID++;??
    13. ????SetEvent(ghDataEvent);??
    14. ????printf("%d线程启动/n",?nThreadID);??
    15. ????int?i?=?0;??
    16. ????while(!gbExitThread)??
    17. ????{??
    18. ????????Sleep(10000);??
    19. ????}??
    20. ??
    21. ????return?0;??
    22. }??
    23. ??
    24. int?_tmain(int?argc,?_TCHAR*?argv[])??
    25. {??
    26. ????int?nThreadCount?=?10000;??
    27. ????HANDLE*?phaThread?=?new?HANDLE[nThreadCount];??
    28. ????int?nErr?=?0;??
    29. ????for(int?i?=?0;?i?<?nThreadCount;?i++)??
    30. ????{??
    31. ????????phaThread[i]?=?(HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL,?0,?SubThread,?&i,?0,?NULL);??
    32. ??
    33. ????????if(phaThread[i]?==?0)??
    34. ????????{??
    35. ????????????nErr?=?GetLastError();??
    36. ????????????if(nErr?==?8)??
    37. ????????????{??
    38. ????????????????printf("开启线程失败,存储空间不足!/n");??
    39. ????????????}??
    40. ????????????else??
    41. ????????????{??
    42. ????????????????printf("开启线程失败,错误号%d/n",?nErr);??
    43. ????????????}??
    44. ??
    45. ????????????break;??
    46. ????????}??
    47. ??
    48. ????????WaitForSingleObject(ghDataEvent,?INFINITE);??
    49. ????}??
    50. ??
    51. ????return?0;??
    52. }??




    ??? 你也可以通过连接时修改默认栈大小,将其改的比较小,这样就可以多开一些线程。 如将默认栈的大小改成512K,这样理论上最多就可以开4096个线程。
    ??? 即使物理内存再大,一个进程中可以起的线程总要受到2GB这个内存空间的限制。比方说你的机器装了64GB物理内存,但每个进程的内存空间还是4GB,其中用户态可用的还是2GB。

    ??? 如果是同一台机器内的话,能起多少线程也是受内存限制的。每个线程对象都要站用非页面内存,而非页面内存也是有限的,当非页面内存被耗尽时,也就无法创建线程了。?

    ??? 如果物理内存非常大,同一台机器内可以跑的线程数目的限制值会越来越大。??



    “The number of threads a process can create is limited by the available virtual memory. By default, every thread has one megabyte of stack space. Therefore, you can create at most 2,048 threads.?If you reduce the default stack size, you can create more threads.?However, your application will have better performance if you create one thread per processor and build queues of requests for which the application maintains the context information. A thread would process all requests in a queue before processing requests in the next queue.”




    [cpp]?view plaincopy

    1. #include?"stdafx.h"??
    2. #include?<windows.h>??
    3. #include?<process.h>??
    4. #include?<assert.h>??
    5. ??
    6. volatile?bool?gbExitThread?=?false;??
    7. HANDLE?ghDataEvent?=?CreateEvent(NULL,?FALSE,?FALSE,?NULL);??
    8. ??
    9. UINT?WINAPI?SubThread(void*?ptr)??
    10. {??
    11. ????int?nThreadID?=?*((int*)ptr);??
    12. ????nThreadID++;??
    13. ????SetEvent(ghDataEvent);??
    14. ????printf("%d线程启动/n",?nThreadID);??
    15. ????int?i?=?0;??
    16. ????while(!gbExitThread)??
    17. ????{??
    18. ????????printf("%d:?%d/n",?nThreadID,?i++);??
    19. ????????Sleep(10000);??
    20. ????}??
    21. ??
    22. ????printf("%d线程退出/n",?nThreadID);??
    23. ??
    24. ????return?0;??
    25. }??
    26. ??
    27. int?_tmain(int?argc,?_TCHAR*?argv[])??
    28. {??
    29. ????int?nThreadCount?=?10000;??
    30. ????HANDLE*?phaThread?=?new?HANDLE[nThreadCount];??
    31. ????int?nErr?=?0;??
    32. ????for(int?i?=?0;?i?<?nThreadCount;?i++)??
    33. ????{??
    34. ????????phaThread[i]?=?(HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL,?512*1024,?SubThread,?&i,?STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION,?NULL);??
    35. ????????if(phaThread[i]?==?0)??
    36. ????????{??
    37. ????????????nErr?=?GetLastError();??
    38. ????????????if(nErr?==?8)??
    39. ????????????{??
    40. ????????????????printf("开启线程失败,存储空间不足!/n");??
    41. ????????????}??
    42. ????????????else??
    43. ????????????{??
    44. ????????????????printf("开启线程失败,错误号%d/n",?nErr);??
    45. ????????????}??
    46. ??
    47. ????????????break;??
    48. ????????}??
    49. ??
    50. ????????WaitForSingleObject(ghDataEvent,?INFINITE);??
    51. ????}??
    52. ??
    53. ????return?0;??
    54. }??







    The "one thread per client" model is well-known not to scale beyond a dozen clients or so. If you're going to be handling more than that many clients simultaneously, you should move to a model where instead of dedicating a thread to a client, you instead allocate an object. (Someday I'll muse on the duality between threads and objects.) Windows provides I/O completion ports and a?thread pool?to help you convert from a thread-based model to a work-item-based model.

    1. Serve many clients with each thread, and use nonblocking I/O and?level-triggeredreadiness notification

    2. Serve many clients with each thread, and use nonblocking I/O and readiness?changenotification

    3. Serve many clients with each server thread, and use asynchronous I/O









    1. 1 #include <stdio.h>

    2. 2 #include <unistd.h>

    3. 3 #include <iostream>

    4. 4 #include <stdlib.h>

    5. 5 #include <string.h>

    6. 6 #include <pthread.h>

    7. 7 #include <errno.h>

    8. 8

    9. 9 using namespace std;

    10. 10 //测试一个进程可以启动多少个线程???

    11. 11

    12. 12 void *thread_function(void *arg);

    13. 13

    14. 14 char message[] = "Hello world";

    15. 15

    16. 16 int main()

    17. 17 {

    18. 18 int res;

    19. 19 pthread_t a_thread;

    20. 20 int i = 0;

    21. 21

    22. 22 while( 1 )

    23. 23 {

    24. 24 //创建线程

    25. 25 res = pthread_create(&a_thread, NULL, thread_function, (void *)messa ge);

    26. 26 i++;

    27. 27 if( res != 0)

    28. 28 {

    29. 29 cout<<"线程个数:"<<i<<endl;

    30. 30 perror("Thread creation failed;errno:");

    31. 31 return 0;

    32. 32 }

    33. 33 }

    34. 34 }

    35. 35

    36. 36 void *thread_function(void *arg)

    37. 37 {

    38. 38 printf("thread_function is runing.Argument is %s\n", (char*)arg);

    39. 39 }






    通过命令? ulimit -s或者ulimit -a?可以查看默认栈大小

    当然你可以通过命令ulimit -s+参数,临时修改线程栈大小

